NZIPA Oral History

NZIPA Oral History

NZIPA was established in 1912. To mark its centenary year oral history interviews were conducted with five members of the profession. Since then two additional oral histories have been recorded. The interviews are held in the Oral History Collection at the Alexander Turnbull Library in Wellington.

  • Sir Thomas Gault
  • Margaret Doucas
  • Ceri Wells
  • Jonty Ellis
  • Laura Hollingsworth
  • Colin Hadley
  • Kate Wilson
  • Phil McCabe

Margaret Doucas

Extracts from Margaret Doucas' oral history:
Joining Henry Hughes

Patents and the Patents Office

Patent Exams

Communications, Technology and the Internet


Ceri Wells
Sending papers to the Patent Office

Jonty Ellis

Becoming a Patent Attorney at Baldwins

Baldwins getting a Telex machine
Clearing the mail box
Searching the Trade marks Register
Pronunciation of Patent
Tom Ennis and Jasper Baldwin

Women in the Profession
Jasper Balwdin's red notebook
Reusing paper
The Patent Reports
Baldwin's first computer
Trade marks Office goes online

Laura Hollingsworth
Extracts from Laura Hollingsworth's oral history:
Becoming a patent attorney:

NZ Patents legislation in 2013:

Taking the patent attorney exams:

Colin Hadley
Early contact with IP at Todd Motors:
Becoming a patent attorney (including patent exams):
Working with clients:
Visiting clients:
Women in the profession:
Women in the profession contd:
Baldwin's centenary in 1997:
Kate Wilson
Overview of patents:

Cost vs value of patents:

Drawing up patent specifications:


Phil McCabe
Becoming a lawyer

Sir Geoffrey Palmer the teacher who had the greatest influence

Working in a patent attorney office during university

The advent of industrial copyright

Searching at the Departmental Building

Elected to NZIPA and producing the Patent Letter

Inviting a Hoax speaker to the Institute's conference

Arcane profession had choice to expand

Background to seeking admission as a solicitor

Getting the first Anton Pillar order in NZ

NZIPA's Oral History was handed over to the Alexander Turnbull Library on 19 June 2014. A small function was held at the National Library in Wellington to celebrate the event.

Rachell Esson, Associate Chief Librarian Research Collection

Megan Hutching, Oral Historian
Pip Oldham, Oral Historian
Penny Catley, NZIPA Councillor

Elena Szentivanyi, NZIPA Councillor
Chris Way, NZIPA Councillor
Rachel Esson, Associate Chief Librarian Research Collection
Penny Cately, NZIPA Councillor
Jon Lucas, NZIPA Councillor
Corinne Blumsky, NZIPA Vice President
Tom Robertson, NZIPA Councillor

Ceri Wells, James and Wells, Oral History contributor
Pip Oldham, Oral Historian
Megan Hutching, Oral Historian
Margaret Doucas, Henry Hughes, Oral History contributor

NZIPA Oral History

Photos kindly supplied by Imaging Services, Alexander Turnbull Library.

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